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ud_sym(name)                 user symbol access

    Return the user defined variable with  name equal to the string of  the
    function parameter, "name".

ud_sym(n,name)               user symbol access

    Return the  user defined  variable with  position in  the symbol  table
    equal to  the integer  value of  n. Variable  name returned in variable
    "name".   For this  form "name"  MUST be  a variable.   Position in the
    symbol  table  is  dependent  on  order  in  which  variable defined in
    utility.  If the integer value  of n is zero, negative or  greater than
    number of user variables defined, the null string is returned.

    The functional return value may be  used in any expression just as  the
    variable itself  would.   This includes  operating on  the return value
    with the array index operators, "[]".

    NOTE:  form 2 of  "ud_sym" limited to accessing global  variables only.
    Local  variables,  i.e.,  variables  declared  with  "local" keyword or
    function parameters, may be accessed via form 1.

See Also: pd_sym
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson